What are the seasonal controls on stream-riparian groundwater exchange during baseflow recession in headwater catchments?
Project Duration: Jul-2009 - Jun-2013
Investigators: Michael Gooseff Kamini Singha (Colorado School of Mines) Overview: There has been growing interest in the roles that hyporheic zones and riparian zones play in catchment-scale budgets of nutrients, heat, and energy. Because streams are intimately connected to hyporheic and riparian zones, these biogeochemical “hot spots”, or zones of enhanced biogeochemical cycling, directly influence water quality of streams. Significant research has been conducted on the biogeochemical and hydrologic functions of both hyporheic and riparian zones, though often in isolation from each other. In this proposal, we seek to determine how dynamic valley-bottom (riparian) hydrology is controlled by valley morphology and gradient, and how this in turn influences hyporheic exchange throughout summer baseflow recession in headwater catchments. |
Conceptual model of relative differences in flow vectors based on discharge and valley setting.
We pose the following research questions:
1) How do the relative magnitudes of down-valley and cross-valley vectors of riparian subsurface flow change throughout seasonal baseflow recession?
2) How are these changes controlled by valley-scale morphology and gradient?
3) How spatially consistent (at the reach scale) are the patterns of down-valley and cross-valley vectors of flow?
4) In response to seasonal changes in relative magnitudes of down-valley and cross-valley flow vectors, how does the extent of hyporheic exchange change during seasonal baseflow recession?
We will address these questions by combining field methods (water table measurements, stream tracer experiments, electrical resistivity surveys), groundwater flow and transport modeling, stream solute transport modeling, and integrated analyses of tracer data and geophysical surveys of stream tracer distribution in the subsurface.
1) How do the relative magnitudes of down-valley and cross-valley vectors of riparian subsurface flow change throughout seasonal baseflow recession?
2) How are these changes controlled by valley-scale morphology and gradient?
3) How spatially consistent (at the reach scale) are the patterns of down-valley and cross-valley vectors of flow?
4) In response to seasonal changes in relative magnitudes of down-valley and cross-valley flow vectors, how does the extent of hyporheic exchange change during seasonal baseflow recession?
We will address these questions by combining field methods (water table measurements, stream tracer experiments, electrical resistivity surveys), groundwater flow and transport modeling, stream solute transport modeling, and integrated analyses of tracer data and geophysical surveys of stream tracer distribution in the subsurface.
Graduate Students supported on this project:
Undergraduate Students supported on this project:
Data Archive:
We collected soil temperature, moisture, and suction pressures at three primary monitoring sites in Taylor Valley from 2010-2012, available from the Antarctic Master Directory here. These data are provided with metadata files.
We collected soil temperature, moisture, and suction pressures at three primary monitoring sites in Taylor Valley from 2010-2012, available from the Antarctic Master Directory here. These data are provided with metadata files.
Published Results from this Project (* indicates student lead author)
- *Ward, A, M Gooseff, and K Singha. 2010. Imaging hyporheic zone solute transport using electrical resistivity. Hydrological Processes, 24(7): 948-953.
- *Hagarty, J, A Ward, K Singha, and MN Gooseff. 2010. Electrical resistivity imaging to explore solute transport in a stream system, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, April 11-15, 2010, Keystone, CO, Proceedings, 807-814, doi:10.4133/1.3445521.
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2010. Characterizing hyporheic transport processes - Interpretation of electrical geophysical data in coupled stream-hyporheic zone systems during solute tracer studies. Advances in Water Resources, 33(11): 1320-1330.
- Bencala, KE, MN Gooseff, and BA Kimball. 2011. Rethinking hyporheic flow and transient storage to advance understanding of stream-catchment connections. Water Resources Research, 47, W00H03, doi:10.1029/2010WR010066.
- *Ward, AS, M Fitzgerald, MN Gooseff, TJ Voltz, AM Binley, and K Singha. 2012. Hydrologic and geomorphic controls on hyporheic exchange during base flow recession in a headwater mountain stream. Water Resources Research, 48, W04513, doi:10.1029/2011WR011461.
- Hester, E, and MN Gooseff. 2011. Hyporheic restoration in streams and rivers, in Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools, edited by A Simon, S Bennett, and J Castro. AGU Geophysical Monograph, v.194, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC.
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, and PA Johnson. 2011. How can subsurface modifications to hydraulic conductivity be designed as stream restoration structures? Analysis of Vaux's conceptual models to enhance hyporheic exchange. Water Resources Research, 47, W08512, doi:10.1029/2010WR010028.
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2013. How does subsurface characterization affect simulations of hyporheic exchange? Ground Water, 51(1): 14-28.
- Ward, A. S., M. N. Gooseff, T. J. Voltz, M. Fitzgerald, K. Singha, and J. P. Zarnetske (in press), How does short-term and long-term storage change during storm events in a headwater mountain stream? Water Resources Research
- Ward, A. S., R. A. Payn, M. N. Gooseff, B. L. McGlynn, K. E. Bencala, C. A. Kelleher, S. M. Wondzell, and T. Wagener (in press), Variations in surface water-ground water interactions along a headwater mountain stream: Comparisons between transient storage and water balance analyses. Water Resources Research
- *Voltz, T. J., M. N. Gooseff, A. S. Ward, K. Singha, M. Fitzgerald, and T. Wagener 2013. Riparian hydraulic gradient and stream-groundwater exchange dynamics in steep headwater valleys, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 953-969, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20074.
- *Kelleher, C, T Wagener, B McGlynn, AS Ward, MN Gooseff and RA Payn. 2014. Identifiability of transient storage model parameters along a mountain stream. Water Resources Research, 10.1002/wrcr.20413.
- *Larson, LN, M Fitzgerald, K Singha, MN Gooseff, JL Macalady, and W Burgos. 2013. Hydrogeochemical niches associated with hyporheic exchange beneath an acid mine drainage-contaminated stream. Journal of Hydrology, 501: 163-174
Conference Presentations from this Project
- Ward, AS, K Singha, MN Gooseff. 2009. Characterization of hyporheic solute transport during tracer tests using electrical geophysics. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
- * Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2009. Imaging hyporheic zone solute transport using electrical resistivity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H43C-1039).
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, MP Miller, EW Boyer, and CP Ferreri. 2010. Hyporheic response to streambed clogging: A field and numerical study. (Abstract ID:6919) Joint meeting of the North American Benthological Society and the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Gooseff, MN, RA Payn, MA Briggs, BL McGlynn, KE Bencala, SM Wondzell, and R Haggerty. 2010. Methods, applications, and limits of assessing residence time distributions of solutes in streams (Abstract ID:6298) Joint meeting of the North American Benthological Society and the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Bencala, KE, BA Kimball, and MN Gooseff. 2010. Challenges in thinking from transient storage and hyporheic flow to stream-catchment connections. (Abstract ID:6234) Joint meeting of the North American Benthological Society and the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Fitzgerald, M, AS Ward, TJ Voltz, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2010. Does electrical resistivity imaging mesh with solute transport data obtained from tracer studies in hyporheic zones? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H11E-0853).
- *Ward, AS, M Fitzgerald, TJ Voltz, MN Gooseff and K Singha. 2010. Geophysical imaging to inform hyporheic flow and solute transport dynamics in 2- and 3-dimensions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H21K-03).
- *Voltlz, TJ, AS Ward, M Fitzgerald, MN Gooseff, K Singha, and T Wagener. 2010. How do relative magnitudes of down- and cross-valley hydraulic gradients vary with flow dynamics? Analysis over daily, storm, and seasonal baseflow recession timescales. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H31J-03).
- *Ward, AS, TJ Voltz, MN Gooseff, M Fitzgerald, and K Singha. 2010. How do storm dynamics change solute transport and transient storage in headwater streams? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H31J-04).
- Gooseff, MN, KE Bencala, WB Bowden, BL McGlynn, RA Payn, K Singha, AS Ward, A Wlostowski, WM Wollheim. 2010. Context Conundrums: Observations and conceptual models are primary controls on interpretations of temporal and spatial scales of stream-groundwater interactions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H33J-01).
- *Taptich, MN, and MN Gooseff. 2010. Should the Clean Water Act follow stream water underground? Managing beyond the stream banks. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H24C-01).
- Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2012. Time series analysis of geophysical images to quantify subsurface transport of solute plumes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (H53B-1526).
- Gooseff, MN, MN Taptich, AN Wlostowski, K Gerecht, RA Payn, AS Ward, WB Bowden, M Fitzgerald, BL McGlynn, K Singha, and WM Wollheim. 2012. Connecting Streams to Watersheds Through Stream–Groundwater Exchange as Determined from the Channel. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (PA53A-2077).
- Gooseff, MN, MA Briggs, KE Bencala, BL McGlynn, and D Scott. 2012. Do transient storage parameters directly scale in longer, combined stream reaches? Reach length dependence of transient storage interpretations. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting [H11E-1237]
- *Kelleher, C, T Wagnener, BL McGlynn, AS Ward, MN Gooseff, and RA Payn. 2012. Stream characteristics determine the importance of transient storage processes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting [H11E-1240].
- McGlynn, BL KG Jencso, F Nippgen, RE Emanuel, LA Marshall, and MN Gooseff. 2012.Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting [PA53A-2078].
- Chattopadhyay, PB K Singha, and MN Gooseff. 2012. Exploring controls on saline tracer movement within the hyporheic zone using finite-element modeling and electrical resistivity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting [H11E-1242].
- *Gerecht, K, MN Gooseff, and K Singha. 2011. Reservoir Removal and Legacy Sediment Impacts on Upstream Surface Water Groundwater Communication. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H43N-08).
- Bencala, KE, BA Kimball, and MN Gooseff. 2011. Basic Hydrology: From Hyporheic Flow and Transient Storage to Stream-Catchment Connections. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H44D-01).
- Gooseff, MN, AS Ward, RA Payn, *TJ Voltz, *ED Bernzott, M Fitzgerald, BL McGlynn, KE Bencala, SM Wondzell, K Singha, and DM McKnight. 2011. Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H53P-03)
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, TJ Voltz,; M Fitzgerald, and K Singha. 2011. How does valley-bottom hydrology control stream-aquifer interactions in a headwater mountain stream? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H54F-01).
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, KE Bencala, RA Payn, SM Wondzell, C Kelleher, and T Wagener. 2011. How does transient storage change as a function of valley position and flow rate? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (H44D-07).
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff and PA Johnson. 2011. Design of subsurface stream restoration structures. ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA. (paper no. 749)
- *Ward, AS, MN Gooseff, AM Binley, M Fitzgerald, *TJ Voltz, and K Singha. 2011. How do solutes move through hyporheic zones? Using 3-dimensional geophysical imaging to quantify processes in headwater streams. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, Providence, RI.
- *Larson, L., Fitzgerald, M.*, Herwehe, L.*, Singha, K., Gooseff, M. and Burgos, B. (2011). Electrical resistivity imaging of a deep coal mine discharge. Goldschmidt, August 14-19, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
- *Ward, A.S., Gooseff, M.N., Fitzgerald, M.R.*, Binley, A.M., Voltz, T.J.*, and Singha, K. (2011). How do solutes move through hyporheic zones? Using 3-dimensional geophysical imaging to quantify transport processes in headwater streams, North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, May 22 – 26, 2011, Providence, RI.
- Singha, K., M Fitzgerald, *K Gerecht, *T Voltz, *AS Ward, and MN Gooseff. (2011). An Exploration of Stream-Riparian Groundwater Exchange During Baseflow Recession: Integration of Hydrologic and Geophysical Data. National Ground Water Association Annual Meeting, May 1-5, 2011, Baltimore, MD.
Theses/Dissertations from this Project
- Gerecht, K. 2012. Anomalous Stream Temperature Response to Storms in a Forested Headwater Stream in Central Pennsylvania, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
- Voltz, T. 2011. Riparian Hydraulic Gradient and Water Table Dynamics in Two Steep Headwater Streams, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
- Ward, A. 2011. Characterizing Solute Transport in Coupled Stream-Hyporheic Systems Using Electric Resistivity Imaging, Ph.D Dissertation, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
This project is funded through the National Science Foundation's Hydrologic Sciences program.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no. 0911435. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. |